Expert Dermatitis Treatment in Harrow at Murrays Chemist
Dermatitis is a common skin condition that causes itching, redness, and inflammation. It can be triggered by chemical irritants, allergies, or environmental factors.
At Murrays Chemist in Harrow, we offer effective treatments and expert advice to help manage dermatitis symptoms and skin flare-ups.
What is Dermatitis?
Dermatitis refers to any irritated or inflamed skin condition. The two most common types are:
1. Irritant Contact Dermatitis
- Caused by exposure to harsh chemicals, detergents, or soaps
- Common among people who frequently use cleaning products
- Symptoms include red, dry, and sore skin
2. Allergic Contact Dermatitis
i) Triggered by an allergic reaction to substances like:
- Nickel in jewellery
- Fragrances in skincare products
- Certain hair dyes
ii) More common in people with hay fever or asthma
What Dermatitis Treatments are Available?
1. Avoiding Irritants
- Use gloves when cleaning or handling chemicals
- Switch to fragrance-free and gentle skincare products
- Keep the skin clean and moisturized
2. Over-the-Counter Treatments
- Emollient moisturisers – Hydrate and protect the skin
- Mild steroid creams (hydrocortisone 1%) – Reduce inflammation and redness
3. Prescription Treatments
- Stronger steroid creams – Available with pharmacist consultation
- Medicated ointments – For severe or persistent dermatitis
If your dermatitis does not improve with these treatments, our pharmacists can refer you to a GP for further evaluation.
How to Get Dermatitis Treatment in Harrow
- Need expert advice for managing dermatitis? Our trained pharmacists are here to help!
- Visit Murrays Chemist at 172 Kenton Road, Harrow, HA3 8BL
- Call us at 0208 907 0413
- Book an appointment online using our secure booking system
Get relief from skin irritation and expert guidance with Murrays Chemist in Harrow today.