Prescription Delivery

Free delivery of your NHS and Private prescriptions!

Prescription delivery services are helpful if you’re somebody who regularly relies on prescription medication, living with a long-term illness or disability, or you care for someone who does. Although NHS prescriptions are usually affordable (and sometimes even free), the process of collecting a prescription, taking it into your pharmacy and paying on a regular basis can be time-consuming.

Our free delivery service allows you to have your medicines delivered directly to home or work.

How our prescription delivery service works

The first step to applying for the prescription delivery with Murrays Chemist is to create an account with us. You will then be able to order your medications easily, get your prescriptions approved and fulfilled by our pharmacist and then have them delivered straight to you! You can order both NHS and Private Prescriptions through this system.

You must inform your GP surgery of your choice to nominate Murrays Chemist. Once we have your prescription from the GP and your patient details, we can get ready to send out your medications when you need them.

If you have any questions about your prescription, don’t hesitate to contact us. We offer a fully managed, comprehensive repeat prescription ordering through our online portal, where we take care of everything for you. If you’re interested in this service, be sure to register using the link below. Please note that we carry out ID checks and that you will be required to submit a form of identification.

You are able to easily upload prescriptions, put in an order for medications, pay for delivery (if applicable) and receive the medications in the comfort of your home!

Do you offer free delivery?

Yes! Murrays’ prescription delivery service is free and ordering is made available through our simple portal on our website. Please contact the pharmacy to find out more; find out whether you live in the radius of free delivery offered by Murrays Chemist. You will have to pay for your prescription items as usual.

To learn more and to enquire about how to set this service up, contact us here, or drop into the pharmacy.